Projects/ Petroleum chemical industry
Automated control system of gas pipeline Chinarevsk Gas and Oil Condensate Field (CGOCF) – the system of gas mains Intergas of Central Asia
Customer: Zhaikmunai ltd. , Uralsk
Automation Object Description
Gas main CGOCF is the system of gas mains Intergas of Central Asia to feed the processed gas from the site of preliminary processing and of complex gas feeding in Chinarevsk Gas and Oil Condensate Field to the main “Orenburg- Novopskov”.
The pipe line carrying capacity is up to 3.5 milliard normal cubic meters a year. The given productivity is provided by a pipeline with the diameter 630×12mm. The pipeline length is about 15,4 km. The regulation of gas transporting is constant. The active time of the pipeline is 365 workdays a year.

Gas plant construction of Chinarevsk Gas and Oil Condensate Field, summer 2010
The project provides the following technological operations:
- Gas transporting from the site of preliminary processing to the connection unit of the gas main “Orenburg- Novopskov”;
- The tank gas quality and quantity registration;
- The pipeline cleaning;
To provide max values of the gas pipeline hydraulic efficiency coefficient a periodic gas pipeline reservoir cleaning is performed without gas transporting stopping. To clean gas pipeline reservoir on the linear part there is the location of sites for starting chambers and receiving cleaning devices.

Cleaning device receiving site
The tank gas quality and quantity registration is carried out by an automated system of the commerce gas registration unit (CGRU) that was elaborated by SPE “Ozna- Engineering”. The commerce gas registration unit is autonomous and provided with the workstation, data base server, flow-measuring apparatus Floboss 407, a chromatograph and a dew point analyzer. The communication between the commerce gas registration unit and the gas pipeline automated control system is carried out by means of OPC - technology.
To prevent fire the line teleautomatics block box systems are provided with fire signals systems. The fire signal and unauthorized entering the block box territory is displayed on SCADA-system of the automated control system of the pipeline.
The System Purpose
The gas pipeline automated control system is a remote control of the technological equipment and displaying gas pipeline actual data about the gas transporting workflow, commerce gas registration units interaction on the direct and reverse gas line and with the gas plant automated system, technological blocks realization.

The main symbolic circuit of the gas pipeline workstation

The main symbolic circuit of the workstation at the compressor station of gas main Intergas of Central Asia
The System Structure
The lower level of linear teleautomatics of the automated control system is based on the controllers SIMATIC S7-300 with the central processors CPU 314. At all the pipeline length there are three units of linear teleautomatics:
- control cabinet of linear teleautomatics -1 – the site of cleaning devise starting;
- control cabinet of linear teleautomatics -2 – the site of receiving the cleaning device;
- control cabinet of linear teleautomatics -3 – the commerce gas registration unit.
The upper level is the workstations based on the PCs with the set-in software WinCC v6.2. to visualize the workflow each of the computers has a display 19” resolution. There are three workstations located on the following pipeline positions:
- pipeline workstation at the gas plant Zhaikmunai ltd. (sites of preliminary and complex processing);
- workstation at commerce gas registration unit;
- the workstation at the compressor station of gas main Intergas of Central Asia..
For signal transmission of the linear teleautomatics and signals from IP-telephoning fiber-optic communication is used. As a switching equipment Siemens OTN series is used. OTN (Open Transport Network) equipment is a transmitting system based on the latest achievements in fiber optic technologies. Its feature is double-ring attachment that has high network accessibility and different types of services in one and the same network. It transmits different kinds of information such as voice, data and digital video via the network.

Symbolic circuit
The system was put into operation in 2011.